Battle Report Podcast 088: eVyros (Not-Darrell) vs Amon Ad-Raza (Not-Todd) – How much jack would a warjack jack if a warjack could jack jack?

eVyrosVsAmonHello again wonderful readers!  We’ve got something different for you this time around.  We’ve been doing a lot of tournament battle reports, serious list reflection and a lot of competitive play.  For this report then we decided that we needed some serious stress relief, and what better way to relieve stress than with a jack off?  Wait a minute, that didn’t come out right…

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The Quest for Mediocrity: I am a Special Unique Snowflake

Special snowflake is special

In the Protectorate, it snows fire.

Greetings all!  I’m back to regale you with more tales of my epic adventures in failure.  Well, actually I plan on discussing with you some of the more eccentric aspects of my list building and play-style; why I choose some of the unconventional units that I do and why I favour some of the “lower tier casters”.

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Paintectorate of Menoth – Custom Avatar Part 4

She’s done! Well, for the tournament at least…

It’s actually coming along really well… the fire-portion of her shield and shoulders looks pretty good, actually (and it’ll look better when I start layering in the yellows!), and she’s not nearly so yellow in person… and once I do the white highlights, I think it’ll look pretty boss!

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Paintectorate of Menoth – Customized Avatar Part 2

So work proceeds with my customized Avatar in my attempts to make her less ugly than the default model…

When last we left our heroine, she looked like this:


Notable modifications include lengthening and rotating the right leg, shortening the left, extending both arms, giving her a slightly more dynamic pose, and replacing that gods-awful sword with another (from Fire of Salvation).

As for the paint…
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Paintectorate of Menoth – Avatar of Menoth Customization Pt1

So, I’ve decided that I need to finally assemble my Avatar of Menoth… it’s a fantastic warjack, and my only complaint against it has been that the model itself is ugly. Thankfully, my friend Darrell has a beautiful modification on the Avatar, which looks fantastic and encouraged me to try and do my own!

But first…


This is everything I need to have painted by next Saturday… 2 Choir members, 3 Paladins, a Vassal Mechanik, a Devout, 4 Crusaders (1 basically done), 1 Templar, and the Avatar in pieces in the middle. Continue reading

The Big Move! AKA: My Work In Progress Box…

So everything has been packed up, but I wanted to take a quick moment to show you all a moment of pride and shame… my packed box of models I own but have not yet even unboxed:


That is a “Frogbox”, for those of you curious, and it measures a mere 24x20x12″ (about 70L, or 2.4 cubic feet)… and it’s packed exclusively with WarMachine models (oh, and 2 MERCs models and 2 Malifaux models for mods I’m going to make for the B13). Two Stormwalls, a Vessel of Judgement, a Stormstrider, Stryker3, blister after blister of troops, warjacks, and bits from Khador, Cygnar, and Menoth (I haven’t collected any Khador since 2012, but I haven’t painted almost any of the stuff I have either!).

I’m going to do my damnedest to get more of this stuff painted before I buy NEW stuff… but we’ll see how that goes!

Paintectorate of Menoth – Warcasters, Ho! Part 2

Trying to get the finishing touches on my warcasters before I pack up my paints for the big move…


Tristan Durant, Thyra, eKreoss, and Vindictus… at this point I have come to several conclusions:
1. eKreoss really is an awful, hideous model… I’m glad I have this one for tournaments, but I am absolutely going to mod a Bastion Seneschal for “house league” games.
2. Thyra is a stunning model, and my paint job is not doing it nearly justice. I’m almost embarassed!

Anyway, here you can see my finished models below…
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Paintectorate of Menoth – Warcasters, Ho!

Having finished basing my Judicator, it’s time to move on to my next project… all the warcasters I own for the Protectorate but have no yet painted. There’s only 4 of those, so I threw in the Journeyman Warcaster (Tristan Durant) as well, just to give me the same number as I worked on last time.

Here we can see them all primed and with their first touches of colour on them…
From left to right: Tristan, Thyra, Reznik, Vindictus, and eKreoss.

I am super excited to get all of them on the table, which means I’d really like to have them all finished in the next 2 weeks or so. The trouble (as always) is trying to decide what colours go where!
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